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Back again for our second annual Support Your Hommes fashion show!
“Support Your Hommes” was created by one person and five of his designer friends to shed light on the importance of support. This event marks the beginning of many from the Support Your Hommes organization.
Support Your Hommes is an organization founded by Mechanté Paris and operated by a team of creatives and friends who share the same objective: to succeed together. We’re thrilled to return with some familiar faces and new ones to bring you another unforgettable event!
The support of a homie can be the difference between triumph and self-destruction. On this day, we give our homies their flowers in abundance and celebrate the many years of dream conquering ahead. We invite you to be part of the movement and thank you for continuing to “Support Your Hommes!”
We encourage early, on-time arrival to secure your seat and shop with our featured brands and vendors.
How to Dress:
If your homie has a brand, wear it!
High-fashion streetwear attire
Put it on
Sneakers allowed
Come dressed for a movie
Important Reminder:
Bring your ID!
Have your ticket code for access at the door